About Us

Feel seen . Be heard . Find healing
When you come through our pink front door, you are invited to sit in one of our comfy seating areas as you sink into the reality that you are experiencing a new paradigm of healthCARE with our collaborative of whole-person careproviders—all under one roof.
When you come through our pink front door, you are invited to sit in one of our comfy seating areas as you sink into the reality that you are experiencing a new paradigm of healthCARE with our collaborative of whole-person careproviders—all under one roof.
Our Story
We believe every body knows how to be healthy, every mind knows how to be engaged, every heart knows how to love, and every spirit knows how to flow with connection. Our services and educational opportunities provide the perfect space to cultivate these beliefs into your own personal reality—and to carry that abundance back out into your community.
The medical system wasn't created to serve all people, and because of that, can't be all things for everyone.
THE WELL was mindfully created to fill in the gaps for those who want and need more. We have sixteen practitioners, all under one roof, who specialize in providing our clients Whole Person CareTM from the moment they walk through our pink
front door: Midwives; Birth, Postpartum, Overnight, and Cancer Doulas; Physical Therapists specializing in pelvic floor
therapy; Licensed Massage Therapists; Lactation Consultants; Certified Lactation Counselors; Trauma Resolution Therapists; Somatoemotional Release Therapists; Nervous System Regulation; Hormone Balancing; Clinical
Reflexologists;Hypnotherapy; Hypnotherapy Training; Clinical Counselors; Independent Social Workers; and Psychologists.